Term 4 Bronze CARE Award

We are learning to:
Community - Be a positive member of Oaklands School.
Active Thinking - Use our initiative when making choices.
Respect - Be kind and respectful towards others.
Excellence - Try our best in our learning.

Term 4 Reading

Miss Frampton:  What do good readers do?
Riley:  They can go past tricky words and go to the end of the sentence and go back and see what makes sense.

Term 4 Maths - Numeracy

I am learning to:
subtract in parts to solve equations

Riley's Maths Learning

Term 4 Discovery

We are learning to:
develop the key competencies through activity based learning.

Managing self
Using language, symbols and text
Participating and contributing 
Relating to others

Student Reflection:
I used thinking by creating a pumpkin.

Term 4 Writing - Science Process

WALT follow the scientific process to:

write a prediction of what will happen in an experiment.

draw and label what we observe in an experiment.

write a thoughtful conclusion about our experiment.

ask questions and wonder about science.